Jan Marvin Garbuszus






Studies and doctorate at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Thesis »Quadratische Engelkurven: Schätzung von nutzenabhängigen Äquivalenzskalen.«
Former Research Assistant at the Chair of Empirical Social Research (winter term 17/18). From Oct. 2011 to Jan. 2018 as research assistant at the Social Policy and Social Economy Section. From Feb. 2018 to Jan. 2020 as Referent (Manager) at the statistical office of NRW Information und Technik Nordrhein-Westfalen (IT.NRW).

Since Feb. 2020 I work as a Senior Analyst at Targobank AG.

Founding member of local R usergroup UseR Bochum/Ruhr (with Sebastian Jeworutzki; started in 2016).


Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, N. Ott, and M. Werding (2013): Überprüfung der bestehenden und Entwicklung neuer Verteilungsschlüssel zur Ermittlung von Regelbedarfen auf Basis der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe 2008. Endbericht für das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales.

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, N. Ott, and M. Werding (2017): Regelbedarfsermittlung für die Grundsicherung: Perspektiven für die Weiterentwicklung. Sozialer Fortschritt 66(6), 433-450.

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, N. Ott, and M. Werding (2017): Matching as Non-Parametric Preprocessing for the Estimation of Equivalence Scales. Journal of Economics and Statistics 237(2): 114-141.

Garbuszus, J. M., N. Ott, S. Pehle, and M. Werding (2018): Wie hat sich die Einkommenssituation von Familien entwickelt? Ein neues Messkonzept. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh.

Garbuszus, J. M. (2018): Quadratische Engelkurven. Schätzung von nutzenabhängigen Äquivalenzskalen. Wissenschaftliche Beiträge aus dem Tectum Verlag. Reihe: Sozialwissenschaften; vol. 86. Tectum Verlag, Baden-Baden.

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, N. Ott, and M. Werding (2020): Income-(in)dependent equivalence scales and inequality measurement. German Economic Review.

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, and J. Schmied (2021): Assessing differences in household needs: a comparison of approaches for the estimation of equivalence scales using German expenditure data. Empirical Economics 60(4): 1629-1659.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-020-01822-6

Garbuszus, J. M., N. Ott, S. Pehle and M. Werding (2021): Income-dependent equivalence scales: A fresh look at German micro-data. Journal of Economic Inequality.
Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10888-021-09494-7

Working Paper

Garbuszus, J. M., N. Ott, S. Pehle, and M. Werding (September, 2018): Development of Family Income since the 1990s: A Fresh Look at German Microdata Using Income-Dependent Equivalence Scales. SOEPpaper No. 987.
Link: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3269218

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, and J. Schmied (December, 2017): Assessing Differences in Household Needs: A Comparison of Approaches for the Estimation of Equivalence Scales Using German Expenditure Data. Ruhr Economic Papers No. 723.
Link: http://www.rwi-essen.de/publikationen/ruhr-economic-papers/898/

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, N. Ott, and M. Werding (October 27, 2015): Income Dependent Equivalence Scales, Inequality, and Poverty. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5568.
Link: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2692557

Dudel, C., J. M. Garbuszus, N. Ott, and M. Werding (December 18, 2014): Non-Parametric Preprocessing for the Estimation of Equivalence Scales. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5103.
Link: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2540027

Garbuszus, J. M. (2014): Überprüfung der Linearität von Engelkurven anhand von Daten der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe
Link: Download (1.5 MB)

Garbuszus, J. M. (2016): Schätzung nichtlinearer Gleichungssysteme in R mit nlsur"
Link: Download (408 KiB) | Updated sources


Garbuszus, J. M., and S. Jeworutzki (2016): readstata13: Import 'Stata' Data Files
Link: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/readstata13

Garbuszus, J. M. (2019): readspss: Importing SPSS Files
Link: https://janmarvin.github.io/readspss

Garbuszus, J. M. (2020): readsas: Importing SAS Files
Link: https://www.github.com/JanMarvin/readsas

Barbone, J. M. and J. M. Garbuszus (2022): openxlsx2: Read, Write and Edit xlsx Files
Link: https://www.github.com/JanMarvin/openxlsx2

Other open source activities: I maintain the v8-r package for Arch Linux: https://github.com/JanMarvin/v8-R. I contribute to the openxlsx package: https://github.com/ycphs/openxlsx.

A few webpages I host on this server: My Arch Linux packages, and a few graphs created from publicly available data: Exchange Rates, German Voting Trends, Air Quality close to where I live in Duesseldorf, Consumer Prices (DE/EU), Interest Rates (DE), and Covid incidence rate (NRW).


R (Supporting member since 2013) www.r-project.org, LaTeX (Dante e.V. member since 2014) www.dante.de, econometrics, demand systems and time series analysis. Recently GUI programming.

A passionate pen-and-paper roleplayer.